This course aims to address the need for resilience and increased capacity of HEI teachers to manage an effective shift towards digital education, to use emerging technologies up to their full potential while employing instructional design strategies, especially in cases of emergencies such as the pandemic or other disruptive events which can undermine the social dimension of learning. It will provide HEI teachers with knowledge and skills for successful and innovative use of emerging technologies in teaching, but also barriers and negative effects of technologies on inclusion and diversity will be addressed.
The course will enable the purposeful use of emerging technologies by HEI teachers (such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality or robotics), to foster digital competence, fluency, intelligence and engagement of students, critical thinking, design thinking and student creativity.- Učiteľ: Alžbeta Brozmanová Gregorová
- Učiteľ: Nives Mikelic Preradovic

The course aims to learn what service-learning is and how to develop it in a university environment. In the course, you can find materials used during the in-person training.
- Teacher: Alžbeta Brozmanová Gregorová
- Teacher: Zuzana Heinzová

Cieľom kurzu je zoznámiť sa so service learningom a možnosťami jeho rozvoja a aplikácie v univerzitnom prostredí.
- Učiteľ: Alžbeta Brozmanová Gregorová
- Učiteľ: Zuzana Heinzová
- Učiteľ: Lívia Nemcová
- Učiteľ: Lenka Rovňanová
- Učiteľ: Jana Šolcová

Participants in this course (academic teachers) will learn key characteristics of e-Service-Learning (e-SL) and will be provided with training tools for the adoption of e-SL to build inclusive higher education systems as well as examples of good practices from diverse study fields and curriculum design options. Academic teachers will also learn how to design their own e-SL course.
The e-course is developed by the e-SL4EU consortium ( of 6 partners from 5 EU countries.
- Učiteľ: Alžbeta Brozmanová Gregorová
- Učiteľ: Dana Hanesová
- Učiteľ: Anna Slatinská
- Učiteľ: Petra Strnádová
- Učiteľ: Petra Strnadova
- Učiteľ: Barbora Vinczeová

- Učiteľ: Vlasta Belková
- Učiteľ: Patrícia Zólyomiová

The course aims to learn what service-learning is and how to develop it in a university environment in social work education.
The course was created as a part of the project “Service-learning – Engaged and Collaborative Teaching and Learning in Social Work” supported by EASSW – European Association of Schools of Social Work.
- Učiteľ: Zuzana Heinzová
- Učiteľ: Lívia Nemcová
- Učiteľ: Jana Šolcová